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How can we know where we are going if we don’t know where we came from? I have always been curious where I came from beyond my own father and mother. We get to know our grandparents as we grow up and if we are fortunate, some of us have the opportunity to meet our […]

DNA: Ancestry or 23andMe

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You will never know until you go A trip beyond our country is a lifelong dream for many. Kevin and I have always wanted to take our children abroad to experience the history and culture, to travel to where our ancestors were born and raised. To make memories together as a family and gain educational […]

Italy and beyond….

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His name is New York City. A place to sneak away and escape the reality of daily commitments and responsibilities. A day of indulging in bad behavior like shopping, snacking and people watching. What more can a girl ask for beside as day trip to the city of cities! Everyone dreams of a trip to […]

Whilst in NYC

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The traditions we create now will be the memories our children cherish in the future I was born and raised in a very small city of Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada. “Land of the Living Skies” is surrounded by prairies with winters long and cold, and summers short and hot. Living in the middle of nowhere has […]

Family Pumpkin Harvest

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I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…..just like the ones I use to know…. Christmas is the most beloved holiday in our household. If you have seen the movie “Christmas with the Kranks” with Jamie Lee Curtis…I am one of these women. I am one of those crazy women who love all those adorable “extras” throughout […]

Christmas Traditions