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When Mexico collides with Texas, you create the B.E.S.T chili in a pinata pot

Nana Pinatas Chili

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A soup with all the feels…

White Bean Soup

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How can we know where we are going if we don’t know where we came from? I have always been curious where I came from beyond my own father and mother. We get to know our grandparents as we grow up and if we are fortunate, some of us have the opportunity to meet our […]

DNA: Ancestry or 23andMe

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What is a Boathouse? Defined as a structure near the shoreline or built on top of water. Originated from Scandinavia, the term is know as a “naust” dated back to 1882. Gentle lulling of the sea, once again you beckon me. Caressing waves upon the shore, transporting me to years of yore. Our old weathered […]

DIY Boathouse

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A fabulous fall season board filled with L.O.V.E.

Art & Food = Charcuterie Board

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Soup for the Soul…a rustic and hearty soup to enjoy during the fall and winter months

Spicy Tortellini Soup with Sausages & Spinach

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You will never know until you go A trip beyond our country is a lifelong dream for many. Kevin and I have always wanted to take our children abroad to experience the history and culture, to travel to where our ancestors were born and raised. To make memories together as a family and gain educational […]

Italy and beyond….

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If Greece is not on your radar for travel, bring a little Greece home:)

Greek Grain Salad with Farro